Collagen and Yin Yoga
I feel like my number one question I most frequently get asked about is on collagen! I think it’s because I sometimes show myself drinking it in the AM on my Instastories but I feel like everyone is! Sometimes I wonder if we are all just pissing money down the toilet though. I am not an expert on this subject but I am happy to share the my thoughts I’ve picked up along my journey of health and wellness and obsessive podcast listening.
I actually don’t drink it every morning because I don’t always feel like I need the extra calories. 2 scoops is 70 calories and 20g of collagen. If I do take it, I only do one scoop. I do however give my husband 2 scoops plain Vital Protein powder in his coffee every morning for many reasons. First, he needs the calories and protein because he doesn’t take time out to eat healthier meals on busy work days. Second, he is a blood type A which is believed to have a weaker gut so he can benefit in this area. There has been numerous studies showing the benefit of collagen on gut repair. Third, he is training for an IronMan triathlon so I believe the protein can only help him build muscle and the collagen can hopefully help his joints from the constant beatdown.
Speaking of blood types, I’ve also heard some people have a hard time digesting Vital Proteins and found there are other collagen proteins on the market that are easier to handle. Usually Blood Type A’s have a harder time.
If I’m taking collagen, I usually take the Vital Proteins Lemon Lavender Beauty Collagen which contains more hyaluronic acid. So I am personally taking this for sheer vanity reasons. If it’s going to get to my skin and help keep things plump and maintain/hold water, I am game. I also take Hyalouronic Supplments from Costco and I give them to my husband too (’s-Lab-Hyaluronic-Acid-with-BioCell-Collagen%2c-180-Vegetarian-Capsules.product.100227743.html)
Bone broth is another way to get collagen and I highly suggest this. I am a huge believer in variety and everyone’s gut may absorb collagen differently. In addition, depending on the day or time of the month can possibly impact how our bodies react or process any thing ingested. Bone broth is economical to make. I especially love Lamb broth and make it anytime I roast a leg. It’s great to have on hand to sip especially in the cooler months. Then there is a huge debate over what source is the best for collagen and I hear many people squawking that marine collagen is the best. Fresh Thyme market makes a good bone broth sold in a glass jar by the soups. I know lots of people who like the bone broth at Core Life Eatery. I think Vital Proteins bone broth powder crystals are good too!
I do believe that YIN yoga is also such an amazing way to help the body truly repair. Yin yoga is holding poses for longer periods of time with the theory being you are triggering a stress response to the brain to stimulate repair in the joint. So, the brain gets a signal there is a stress in the longer hold and it signals the body to repair by triggering fibroblasts to lay down hyaluronic acid and stimulate collagen production within the cell network! I can go on and on about the benefits of yin yoga and yoga in general. Research shows that calming the nervous system allows for bodies to repair and rebuild. Stress levels (cortisol), blood sugar and LDL are lowered. I think anyone who practices regularly can tell you it clears up the blockages in the body, dissolves tension, and helps the body to repair more efficiently. I have done multiple YIN yoga trainings and couldn’t be more of a believer in this work. We are also getting such amazing feedback from the yoga studio I teach at to add more YIN which is a goal of mine to help add more Yin classes. My next class is March 10th at 7pm @ Toledo Yoga 🙂
Regarding skin, I really think microneedling of the face to help rebuilding collagen is another great concept. I will never forget seeing a presentation by Dr. Obagi (the skincare guru) on this topic who brings up the fact Men who shave and boxers who have their faces repeatedly hit tend to have more youthful skin. Once again, stress response is triggering collagen to be rebuilt! I’ve done both the office procedure for the microneedling and at home microneedling and believe it’s somewhat helping allow blood to flow freely. It also is allowing skincare products to better penetrate. I also have a jade roller that I love to keep lymphatics moving and have noticed a big difference when I do it. I also love the Foreo eye massager and dry brushing the whole body. The next thing I have been actively researching is Sculptra which is an injectable to help stimulate skin’s natural collagen production to increase facial volume. Please, if you have tried it – I’d love to hear your feedback.
So if you are drinking the snake oil of collagen powders, I really think it’s missing the boat if you aren’t doing the Yin yoga or microneedling to rebuild collagen naturally from the inside out. Most of the most vibrant and youngest looking people I know have been practicing yoga for years. Yoga truly WORKS wonders on many levels.
Hope this helps! Please let me know your feedback and if you have other questions on yoga and the sort!
NOTE – I am by no means a medical professional. Please consult a medical professional if you are adding collagen to your diet especially if pregnant or nursing. I have consulted many MDs along the way to help validate some of the above statements. I also look to the following and suggest them via book or podcast for more information on collagen – Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Will Cole, Dr. Josh Axe and Dr. Sara Gottfried.
Kate Cook
Great read, Jen! This was interesting to me since I’ve also been exploring collagen. This week I found Wild Friemd’s peanut butter chocolate butter with collagen. Have you tried it? I haven’t dug into the jar yet but I’m excited to give it a try. Also, my girlfriend is a derm nurse practitioner and I have recently had my second BBL laser treatment. Incredible how it rebuilds the collagen under my eyes! She is local if you ever want her info. Keep sharing! Love your posts. 😘 Kate